Paths Diverge: The Order of St. Cuthbert

By Brother Craig Daugherty, OSC

Paths diverge in crazy world, as people hustle
          On their way to work, to home, a busy-ness
          That threatens to overwhelm the soul. The noise
          Of world drowns out the quiet, powerful
          Whisper of God, profound, soul-deep, in lives
          Consecrated, to be set apart for Trinitarian
          Worship, relationship-bound, to Creator God.

A calling mysterious, resonates through spirit, through
          Body and mind, to walk a trail laid out in
          World, yet imbued with Holy Spirit power
          Of incarnate God-presence of Life-giver. Brothers
          Spread across the realm, responding to that
          Gentle nudge, live a life beyond the physical
          Restraints of temporal time.

A clarion call of prayer, intimate communion with Alpha
          And Omega presence, revealing heart of God
          To love a world so fallen, completely broken
          By selfish sin of man. Lives of men, to follow
          Example of a Saint, what once was despair, now
          Sweetly broken by the Redemptive Cross of
          Savior sweet, so divine.

At foot of cross, eternal reminder of Sacrificial praise,
          As disciplined call turns into joyous duty of
          God-drenched contemplation, prayer, to lay,
          Prostrate, before the throne. Prayers imbued with
          Incense complete, an offering of our very soul,
          Bringing forth pain, doubt, of world, into
          The presence of His name.

What a joy, calling divine, to start, to end, each day
          Dripping, immersed in holy prayer, with
          Others across the globe. Individual brothers,
          Different calls, united in a purpose one, to
          Lay bare souls through Common Prayer, each
          Petitioning, praising the Eternal God, the lover
          Of each Brother’s soul.

A cry to fast, to self-deny, approach the Throne, to
          Come to recognition, blissful life, of the One
          Who gives all blessings to the full, Sustainer
          Of each life. Deny the daily bread to focus on
          The Bread of Life, to drink full the water which
          Cures thirst once, for all time. Give us today, our
          Daily bread, to eat the flesh of Christ.

Physical fast, leads to Spiritual thirst, for the Water of
          Life, the precious blood of Christ. A hunger for
          The Word, the very presence of God, to transform,
          Redeem those called to be His own. Brothers join
          In, to call forth praise, the richness of every spiritual
          Blessing, as physical hunger replaced by such
          A presence of elysian bread.

Focus on the body of Christ, to remind, his broken body
          Given for all. Lindisfarne calls forth, a hermit,
          Saint to model a life of ascetism, self-denial, an
          Indulgence only in the presence of Christ; reliance
          Upon the breath of God, Holy Spirit fire, to fill
          The soul, to satisfy the hunger of the world which
          Leads only to a belly-full of emptiness in time.

Drenched in sin, each life, eternally broken from our
          Heavenly home. We wallow in the grime, the filth
          Of this world, covered by the shame of trespasses
          Against man, against our God. Brothers, humbled
          Bow, express sorrow of their death filled hearts, lives
          Separated from a love come down, content, without
          Him, to live in spiritual slums of world.

Brothers bowed in penitent pose, unable to rise
          On their own, above the waste of wallowed
          Lives, sins laid bare upon their souls. Only
          In obedience to Christ, a humbled heart that
          Leads to life, a soul oriented to the only Wise,
          That lifts the soul, the joy of humble adoration
          A new residence in heavenly realm.

St. Cuthbert calls forth, Brothers scattered, united
          In the love of Christ; to remember day by day,
          As hours go, the healing compassion of a
          Father, to give His one and only Son, to die
          Upon the cross, covered in my sin (and yours)
          That we might live in penitent repose, united in
          The presence of Christ, a heavenly home.

Each soul, alone, spread throughout created world,
          United in a passion, a bond, held together by
          Cords of love. An easy yoke is placed upon
          Brothers called into a community of this
          Domain, a heavenly domicile awaits as paths
          Are journeyed alone, together bound. Spiritual
          Brothers, souls cloistered together.

Lives unified, as along life’s path time is redeemed
          Through common call, through a community
          Through common call, through a community
          Of life; a monastery of hearts sent out into
          The globe, held together by life of Saint
          Redeemed, revealed Holy man of God. A
          Voyage shared, of lives renewed, each day,
          Through Book of Common Prayer.

Encouragement abounds, as Brothers lift each other
          Up in life, and sorrow, and ultimate joy.
          Sacrificial intentionality is the call, that leads
          Each forth, that calls each soul into a connection
          Across the miles; each path unique, alone, yet
          Relationally united through life, through path of
          Common-Saint, ordained by God.

Holy work, such a joy, even in midst of tedious times,
          To raise forth His Holy vocation of calling to
          Sin-soaked lost souls. A life of common, secular
          Occupation, made Holy and whole, when imbued
          By Holy Spirit wind—a presence of the Living
          God in each. Just a spark of the divine, to be called
          Forth to eternal paradise.

Now a joy, to carve a plank, to throw a line into the
          Sea, or plow a field and plant a seed. Work,
          Mundane, turned into joy, when presence of His
          Spirit dwells deep within each task, each preordained
          Chore. Joy fills the heart of Brothers all, whether
          Preaching His Word, or fixing a car. The banal
          Routine, now Holy Divinity.

Paths lead out into this world, each moments’ tasks, a
          Preordained, a holy duty. An act of worship, even
          In the common place, the monotonous hum drum
          Of this day. Joy exudes from Brother’s heart, to
          Serve His God, to serve each humanity encounter
          Endured. To His glory is the cry, it leads to life, to
          Eternity of service to Creator God.

His Word, such a gift, love letter written with such care
          A study of God’s gift to men. A beginning Genesis
          To Revelation end. Church Father’s, Saints, devotions
          Abound, to draw together God’s chosen men—a life
          Of study, of knowledge gained, to wisdom practiced
          Each day. A strength of men when knowledge shared,
          To praise the God of brotherhood.

Each day a gain, as God’s Word revealed, never
          Void. This world changes, each day, each
          Year, but Word of God will never change, it
          Glues together each life of service, each life
          Ordained, each life to live forth the call of
          God modeled after His Saint of Northumbria,
          Of life beyond both time and place.

Such holy call each day, to devote time to understand
          His song, to praise. Study, holy, for all time,
          As Brothers one, and Brothers all, they share
          A life of common cause, each way their own,
          But each trail to benefit them all. Holy Spirit
          Wisdom builds each life, each soul, that edification
          Will complete, encourage each call.

Paths converge in crazy world, as people hustle
          On their way to worship God, cathedral
          home. The peace of God calms the soul,
          as powerful Whisper of God, profound,
          soul-deep, in lives consecrated, to be set apart
          for Trinitarian worship, relationship-bound,
          to each other, to Creator God.