The Vows of the Order

Tradition calls for those surrendering their lives after having discerned the drawing of God the Holy Spirit to take sacred vows to follow the Rule of Life of the Order of Saint Cuthbert, and to be committed to the service of God’s one holy catholic and apostolic Church through the work of this Order to enter into vows of Simplicity, Chastity, Obedience, and Compassion.   

Simplicity means that you will live as simply as possible, without attachment to material possessions and belongings, lest you be led away from simplicity in Christ, or fall short in seeking after the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.  Remembering that this life is a preparation for eternity where we shall live in God’s steadfast love and unshakeable kingdom, members of this Order shall seek to avoid anxieties about life – food, clothing and shelter.  Leaving behind the love of money and riches, and all senseless and harmful desires that lead to ruin and destruction, we embrace the call of Christ to the life of Simplicity.  We seek to offer a humble witness to the freedom that comes from knowing how to be content in whatever situation we find ourselves. We believe that godliness with contentment is great gain.

Chastity describes the condition and right stewardship of the heart, the mind and the body.  Jesus teaches us that the pure in heart shall see God.  Living a chaste life involves the whole of our lives and bodies, and in particular means that an unmarried person will refrain from sexual intimacy in relationships, which is intended only for marriage between a husband and a wife.  Remaining chaste for an unmarried person will demonstrate single-minded devotion to the Lord. For the married friar, chaste living means fidelity and faithfulness in heart, mind and body, the husband and wife keeping themselves only for one other. For those who are married, remaining chaste is reflective of the love between Christ and his Church. In both conditions, your love for God and his care for you is evident in your manner of life. Whether single or married, we call on the Lord to do the inner work of enabling us to live a chaste life.

Obedience involves a humble and steadfast commitment to keep God’s holy will and commandments, and to live in them all the days of your life.  Your vow of obedience demonstrates yourwillingness to follow the teaching of Holy Scripture as one called by God to surrender your entire will unto God.  This obedience is to be lived out through your submission to God’s authority in the person of the Abbot of the Order, in the Rule of Life of the Order, and to the Bishop Protector of the Order.  Your charge is to follow with a glad mind and will the instruction and direction of the Abbot and those in authority over you.

Compassion is an intentional choice to honor all life, from conception to physical death, to strive to love and serve those most in need, and to respect God’s created order. Our Lord teaches us that in serving others, we serve Him; that true love is sacrificial. Jesus demonstrated compassion for the crowds by the feeding of the multitudes, and for the individual in his ministry to woman caught in adultery.  Your vow of compassion is a commitment to seeing Christ in all those you encounter, and to be a minister of reconciliation and mercy; in doing so, you are following His holy example. To honor life is to recognize the immeasurable value of each and to honor their memory.